Sunday, July 22, 2007

And the Winner is...

Hello Everyone! Welcome to our Summer Reading 2007 Blog!

This time around we voted on the summer reading and when the hanging chads cleared it was pretty obvious that Erik Larson's Devil in the White City was the popular choice--though Blood Meridian was a close second. (Sorry, Olivia. I wanted BM too...)

Get a copy ASAP, start reading, and check back often.

We're hoping for a big turnout on the blog so be sure to sign in and post your thoughts at will. We'll probably have an assignment or two because it wouldn't be painful, and it wouldn't be Summer Reading, without that.

Also, if you're using a Mac (and why wouldn't you be?!) then Firefox is the best browser for this site. It gives you many more options when viewing & writing a post.


Ratso said...

Hey folks,

I just wanted to be able to say that I contributed something to this site, even if it's only a comment to Jim's introductory blog. I was going to pick up a copy yesterday, but I was daunted by the long lines of 10-year-old wizards at my local (meaning 59th street) B&N. So I guess I'm just writing to let you know that I'm not reading yet, which should be no surprise to anybody who's been doing this for a couple years. By the way, I voted for Farewell to Arms since I liked it and actually read all of it. Well, I hope to contribute something in the near future.

Summer Reading Boy said...

Good work, Matt, being the first to leave a comment.

I voted for Hemingway too as the best book. It's one of my all time favorites now. It's good enough to read all year--not just in the summer.

christine said...

Hey Guys,

Just a quick check-in because I too wanted to say I contributed something this year. Unfortunately, since I've only participated in summer reading for the past 2 years, I've opted not to vote in the poll. (note to self: catch up on summer reads) I have however jumped on the opportunity for extra credit :) I've already picked up my book -not that I've actually started reading- and look forward to future participation.